Monday, 23 February 2015


Gonna get deep here, so let's just roll with it.
2014 was my year. Emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally I feel like everything just turned up gold. After years of fighting through bitchiness and drama and what seemed like an unending pit of despair, 2014 just turned everything on its head and I saw the world as the shining, gleaming gem that I always believed was possible for everyone but me.
I can remember countless days where I would sit alone and tell myself 'One day it'll be better'. And those words, whispered to myself in the darkness, were what I held on to.
Insecurities and negative company all culminate and what may seem like insignificant problems now were all too much for the fragile mind of a teenager on the outside that I was.
But then my life changed. I met people who love me for me, and I will never apologise for being myself ever again. I always knew things would get better, but I spent too long sitting and waiting, hoping that somehow life would come to me.
Well guys I'm sorry but it doesn't. Last year was so great because I stepped outside of the walls I had built up. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy. But I learned a hell of a lot, and it helped push me through. So I don't let people put me down now. I don't let people walk all over me and I will speak my mind when I need to.
I am kind and compassionate and caring, but fierce.

So this year I am taking all of this positivity, all of  the love and the happiness and the peace and I am making myself move forward. With affirmations of a brighter, more loving future I am finally taking steps towards my dreams coming true.
So here are my words to you all:
It may seem like there is no end to the darkness that cradles you at night, but a candle burns brightest in the dark.
You will always have hope.
There will always be a better day.
Anyway, I just felt I needed to share this. It's been an invigorating past few weeks and there is so much going on this year, but I cannot wait.

Onwards and upwards my friends!

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